Monday, September 28, 2009

This month I have intensely missed Guelph but I know that this time last year I intensely missed CBC. And when at CBC I intensely missed high school. I think it gets easier every year though.

However, being in class makes me happy I came. Living and being with my friends in Waterloo makes me happy too. The only thing which really annoys me is the cold, isolationist mood of this campus and city.

It bothers me most that people, especially on campus, don't acknowledge strangers' existence when they walk by. I mean, when presented with a picture of a person, and a picture of say, a waterfall or a flower, which are you most likely to stare at? I'm most likely to stare at the person, because people are beautiful and terribly interesting to look at, even if they aren't "hott". Facebook wouldn't be Crackbook if the only pictures people put up were those of flowers and waterfalls, don't you think?

Yet we pass people, these incredibly examples of Divine Beauty every day without even making eye contact. Its weird and I don't like it. Perhaps I should chase people through the buildings and force them to look into my eyes and acknowledge my existence, or at least chase them so that they know that I acknowledge their existence. Somehow I feel like that, indeed, would be more natural than this current system.

Anyway, I'm whining and I know it. And there are worst things. I'm lucky to have the community in Waterloo that I do have, even if it is among a sea of blank eyes.

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