Sunday, February 1, 2009


What is this thing, community?

I feel like a community would be a place of really being known and accepted for the person that you are - regardless of how different all the members of that community may be. So... shouldn't our primary responsibility be to our families - the original communities God placed us in?

I've been struggling with this a lot lately.

I've been feeling guilty because this summer I do not want to live at home. I feel like I am way too much of a black sheep there and I truly feel like my presence in that house makes every family member unhappy. Personally, by the end of last summer I was nearly suicidal with grief over how little I fit in anymore.

I may move into an intentional community here in Guelph for the summer. It just feels as though I'm taking the easy way out, scrapping one intentional community, the one I was born into, for another one - a more vegetarian-friendly, earth-friendly, Shane-Claiborne-fan-friendly one.

My Mom cried when I told her I wasn't going home this summer. She's taking it personally and feels like I think she's an awful mother. I think she must have forgotten how awful things really were when I was around.

I just... don't know what to do.


  1. i agree with you, in a community you should feel comfterable and not feel like a burden to anyone. I don't think it is the easy way out, you already tried to live at home last summer and it didn't really work all that great, living somewhere else is probably a lot heathier for you and your relastionship with your family. just remind your mom that you will come and visit it isn't like you are totally trying to disown them or something.

  2. And I think... YOU should live with ME!
