Thursday, April 9, 2009

Southern Ontario Weather is A Ruthless Flirt

From my experience with Northern Ontarioans and people from other provinces, it seems Southern Ontarioans whinge the most about the weather. In BC, snow is SO WONDERFUL because it doesn't come very often and its associated with positive things like skiing and snowboarding. In Manitoba, they have to like snow because it is their reality. I guess its like developing a good relationship with your little sister or something. They are just always there so you may as well enjoy them. Northern Ontarioans take the same attitude as Manitobans. But Southern Ontarioans... we have to deal with, not a little sister, but a RUTHLESS FLIRT from February to May! That's FOUR months of a flirtatious, on again off again, "friends with benefits" sort of relationship before we get any sort of commitment out of our weather! And we don't appreciate it. So we whine about it. A lot. And though this will reveal how tasteless in music I can be, it reminds me of this song.

Hmph. Dirty, Non-Committal, Heart-breaking Tease!

1 comment:

  1. you lie. we got snow in november this year. but thats ok i will still be your friend even if you do lie. hehe
