Sunday, June 14, 2009

Some Stuff Which is Good

1) Ten Thousand Villages This is a store, a ministry of MCC, that sells only fair trade items that come from third world countries. They sell coffee, tea, sugar, rice, spices, chocolate, skin care products, paper, home decor stuff, dishes, gorgeous furniture made out of reclaimed wood, books, journals, jewelry, purses, Persian rugs, toys and a whole slew of other products! 70% of the artisans that Villages employs are women. They ensure that the products are made in a sustainable, environmentally friendly fashion. The artisans are paid 50% of the price for their product when their product is ordered so that they can buy materials and have an income as they are making their crafts and then, when the craft is completed, Villages pays the other 50% of the price.

Something else that's cool is that if a place like Pier One cancels an order from a third world country for a bunch of products without paying for it, Villages will buy those products from those artisans!

AND, when you buy something there, if you are so inclined, you can ask for a print out of the artisan's story.

The business is mainly run by volunteers. I know all this because I started there about 7 weeks ago. Not so coincientally, 7 weeks ago is when I started being a coffee drinker, because they have free coffee for anyone who comes into the store (or works there). My favourite blend thus far is the Tanzania Medium Roast.

2) Pushing Daisies

I basically love this cancelled TV show. Its addictive, but you have to start from episode one. Its obscure and artfully done. It is all based on a rediculous premise but the characters have an unexpected amount of depth, though you don't realize that until you get to know them better as the episodes go on.

3) Egg Replacer

This was my best discovery as a vegan. Its cheaper than eggs, and you can put it into any baked good. Or at least, the baked goods that I've tried it in have been cookies, pie crusts, cake and banana bread. All were a great success!

Now, what makes Egg Replacer especially wonderful is its potential in making home made cookie dough safe. Instead of using eggs in your cookie recipe, you can use Egg Replacer, and then eat the cookie dough or give it to a broken-hearted friend. Cookie dough made with Egg Replacer also lasts longer. This year my roommate and I made it for both of our finals periods. Sneaking off to the fridge for another spoonful made the otherwise miserable time more bearable.

4) Flower pressing. Gather flowers that would flatten nicely and stick them in a heavy book for two weeks. That's it. So easy!

I have an odd knack for finding 4 through 8 leaf clovers. Today I found seven four leaf clovers and one five leaf clover. This year I've started pressing them. Its kind of a nice thing to send off in letters or put in birthday cards.

Hmm... and though I might sound perky in this post I'm actually in a bit of a mood. I feel sad and exhausted.

I need to go to bed. Good night!

1 comment:

  1. you only like those thngs becasue you are a hippy! but that is ok i will still go camping with you.
