Saturday, January 2, 2010

Goals for 2010

1) Be able to bike from Guelph to New Dundee with Michelle by the summer time (Approximately 40km.

2) Figure out how to have strong convictions without coming across/being a judgemental prick.

3) Become vegan, stay vegan - except for when people offer me food.

4) Acting more on all the weird and wild ideas my housemates and I come up with on how to love people.

5) To go streaking in the field of my old high school.

6) Sit outside and paint something, then and there, in one afternoon.

7) Fast. Actually, practice all the spiritual disciplines.

8) Become undignified in a public worship service.

9) Write more poetry.

10) Have no male "that friend..."s, you know, the sort of person you are nice to to their face but then make fun of behind their backs. That's NOT showing Jesus' love and I don't think its my job to be particularly nice to awkward guys. That can be a Christian guy's job.

11) Be tidier.

12) Stop church dating and COMMIT!

13) Get baptized and have a baptism party.

15) Make something useful.

16) Get more involved at the Dream Centre (see below post).

17) Become less of a hypocrite when it comes to recycling and general environmental responsibility.

18) Plant a garden.

19) To consider school important, but to consider other people more important - to remember that my life's goal is not to get awesome marks, but to love, and sometimes that conflicts with school.

20) To memorize the Sermon on the Mount.

21) To get dread locks when my hair is long enough to tie back.

22) To learn to love all people, even perfectly beautiful or cool people who I am sure don't need another shred of affection coming their way. I think I have some sort of reverse prejudice... it looks holy but I actually harbour a lot of bitterness towards exceptionally gorgeous people.

23) Write more letters.

24) To learn to listen better and flip down the laptop screen when someone is talking to me about something serious.

25) To learn how to be an effective leader.

26) To become comfortable with the fact that it is not my job to change other people.

27) To be more brave.

In other news, this is a beautiful song written by the little brother of a leader at my church who recently died in a car crash. He was 22. As an Embassy leader, I've had the priveledge of spending a couple days at his family's house trying to be a support to his family. His little brother is very creative and musical and I can't believe he composed and recorded this in such a short time.

Follow this link: Ecstacy


  1. That is an impressive list! Good luck, and I'll be thinking about you and supporting you as you try to do all these things!

  2. Hey, that's a pretty great list! What do you mean by "become undignified in a public worship service"?
    I might join you on a few of your goals too :) Steve just told me that I should become vegan tonight because I wouldn't eat the catfish because it reminded me of our catfish pet in gr. 2
    Also I've always wanted to go on a fast as well as get dread locks although I'll have to psych myself into getting them again but I'm sure I'll be up for it :D
    I've wanted to write more letters too but my probelm is not sending them (as you know...sorry)
    I really like your list! Have fun with it :)
