Monday, May 31, 2010

Social Apathy

As my housemate and I walked, nay, strutted to church this evening under a warm 5 o clock sun, each of us sporting a cute outfit, hot pink lips and sunglasses, I looked over at her and proclaimed, "I am so content. I know I have been saying this a lot lately, but I know that at some point in the future, I will not be content, and I want to be able to look back on this time and know that at this one point in my life, I was content."

Its not that I don't have a stack of problems and stresses to deal with, but essentially, at this point in time, I am incredibly lucky and its making me happy. I live with awesome people. I am in a functional, nauseatingly cute relationship. I am working part time now and have the promise of a full time nannying job waiting for me just around the corner. I have several reasons to be happy. God is leading me through pretty still waters these days. And I like it.

Tonight though, I realized that I'm not quite as passionate about reaching out to new people as I used to be. I'd rather be with the people who I know will make me happy. They're comfortable. They're fun. I don't need to have awkward conversations with them about what school they go to and what they'll do with the degree they are earning or any of that nonsense. (Why is small talk so uncreative?)

Nevertheless, I am not my own, and I have been blessed with the gift of being able to notice and reach out to lonely people. I am positive that this gift is a large part of who I am meant to be.

I think its okay to be happy - After all, I am happy because of all that God has blessed me with - but I'm not sure we as Christians were ever meant to be comfortable while there is still work to be done. And there is tons of work yet to be done.

Dear God, please make me uncomfortable.

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