Sunday, August 2, 2009

Not Tiptoeing... Or Something

In a word, I want to do something crazy.

Having just gotten back from a wonderful week of camping, I've had a lot of time to reflect on who I want to be.

I want to be counter-cultural. I want to be radical. I want to appear insanely awkward by following my convictions with absolute purity.

Part of this is my selfish desire to show off, to shock and awe while spitting in the face of convention. But I also really do want to follow a Savior who was known for being offensively counter-cultural too.

I have a very strong urge to:
1) Be homeless for a while.
2) See if I can arrange to live with an Old Order Mennonite family for an extended period of time to see what extreme unapologetic simplicity looks like in action.

But I think realistically that all needs to wait until I finish school.

But I want to be insanely awkward NOW!

And I can be insanely awkward now.

Bah. I have commitment issues.

Basically, what I'm saying, is please pray for me.


  1. I hear ya. I wish we lived closer together Gloria.

    I'll pray.

  2. Bah I love you Gloria :)
    would you like to be homeless with me for a summer & hike across the Bruce trail?? Or do you mean homeless on the streets? Because if you were on the streets I'd save all of my change for you ;) and bring you cheese cake & coffee after my shifts at work.
    I've always had a romantic feeling of becoming Mennonite although I'm not totally clear about what they believe in so it probably won't go past that...
