Saturday, August 22, 2009

To Facebook or Not To Facebook...

1) Its easier to stay in touch.
2) You get invited to a lot of events / find out about a lot of open events. And it even has a nice convenient spreadsheet of what's going on and who's going.
3) Hours of "keeping in touch" with people you don't want to know that you actually care about knowing what's new with them.
4) Easy photo sharing.
5) I had a nice number of friends, once upon a time. I looked like I was popular without being one of those people who obnoxiously adds every person they've ever encountered. Why this is important to me I don't know.
6) Its a nice way of saying, "Hey! I acknowledge your existence! Lets be friends!"
7) A LOT of e-mails to check when you sign in to your e-mail address. I had forgotten about that.

1) It robs us of our youth. There are better ways to spend life than in front of a screen all day.
2) It shouldn't matter to me what so-and-so from Grade One is up to, even if he did turn out to be hott.
3) Its a collosal waste of time.
4) E-mails and letters make people feel more special.
5) Its kind of awkward now to be like, "Hey, can I have your e-mail address?"
6) Now I youtube a lot more.
7) I miss stalking people.

1 comment:

  1. if you get facebook again for the millionth time i am not adding you as a friend! make up your mind woman!
