Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Wedding Dress

As a bridesmaid to my former roommate who is getting married in November, the two of us have discussed wedding ideas a LOT. My favourite idea of ours is an LOTR themed wedding, complete with elvin cloaks for the wedding party and the use of a fog machine as we all walk down the isle to Enya at a midnight ceremony. Obviously the wedding ring would have elvish on it and would be presented by two small men dressed like hobbits. She likes this idea but only in theory.

Anyway, all this talk has got me thinking a bit about what I would like one day.

My friend wanted "fairy sleeves" on her wedding dress and when I googled that, I found a dress I fell in love with!

Here it is:

Now, all I need is a groom.

1 comment:

  1. Ohhh a fairy wedding would be incredible!!! I still have to make myself a cloak :) maybe I will for the fall
    ps that is a very awesome dress!
